Aidong Yang

Research Interests

We are a mathematical modelling group with particular interests in engineering solutions to environmental challenges, through physical, chemical and biological approaches across multiple scales. Research carried out by current DPhil projects covers areas including chemical, biochemical and bio-electro-chemical process modelling and analysis of the structure and dynamics of microbial communities, for applications in sustainable energy and chemical production and atmospheric CO2 removal. We welcome new projects in these areas, including those that combine modelling with experimental work. From the modelling front, the key methods and tools we employ include dynamic systems modelling and analysis, network theory, intracellular networks (e.g. metabolic, regulatory, signalling) modelling, and combination of modelling biological and physical systems (e.g. as in biofilm modelling).

Qualifications and Experience

Aidong joined Oxford in 2014 as a University Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the Department of Engineering Science, and as a Research Fellow of Green Templeton College.

He studied Chemical Engineering in Hebei University of Technology and Dalian University of Technology and received a Bachelor's degree and a PhD in 1992 and 1997, respectively.

Personal Research Keywords

mathematical modelling, resource conservation, CO2 removal, microbial systems, dynamics, networks