Anna Bidgood

Summary of D.Phil/MSc research

My PhD research focussed on a slice of the Indian continent that was subducted beneath Asia 46 million years ago before returning to the surface. My research aims to understand how this process occurred by studying the record in the rocks preserved at the surface today and comparing it to similar areas of the Himalaya.

Current Research/employment

I am part of a team of researchers trying to understand how Cu-Co minerals formed in the Central African Copperbelt.

Was your D.Phil relevant to what you are doing now?

Yes. Although I have changed my area of expertise to the field of economic geology, the skills and knowledge I learned during my PhD is invaluable, and I have found myself at the intersection of two different fields.


Bidgood, A.K., Parsons, A.J., Lloyd, G.E., Waters, D.J. and Goddard, R.M., 2021. EBSD‐based criteria for coesite‐quartz transformation. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 39(2), pp.165-180.

Bidgood, A.K., Waters, D.J., Dyck, B.J., Roberts, N. 2020. The emplacement, alteration, subduction and metamorphism of metagranites from the Tso Morari complex, Ladakh Himalaya. Mineralogical Magazine. Submitted.