European Space Agency

About us

The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. It works through its Member States and with other space organisations to ensure that investment in space delivers benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. Within its Earth Observation Directorate it designs, builds and launches satellites to study all aspects of the Earth. The data from these satellites are made available to the science community. The ESA Climate Office, recently established in Harwell, is responsible for coordinating all activities on climate and in particular the exploitation of the ESA data archives to help understand climate and climate change. ESA also funds programmes and projects to exploit the data. These data help NERC scientists to:

study and monitor the physical, chemical and biological processes on which our planet and life itself depends.

ESA wishes to support the DTP by co-supervision of projects.

Contact information

European Space Agency – Climate Office
Science, Applications and Future Technologies Department,
European Centre for Satellite Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT)
Atlas Building,
Harwell Oxford
OX11 0QX


Research keywords

Earth Observation, Climate, Atmosphere, Ocean, Land and Carbon