Fondazione Edmund Mach

About us

The Fondazione Edmund Mach at San Michele all’Adige, Trento, promotes and carries out scientific research, education, and technology transfer in the field of agro-food and environment. The Research and Innovation Centre (CRI) is the first One-Health research institute in Italy: it supports studies and innovation in the fields of agriculture, nutrition, and environment, with the final goal to promote a sustainable development while improving human, animal, and environmental health, under the ‘One-Health’ concept.  At CRI, we study ecosystems and threats to global and climate change at all level of organisation, from population, to individuals, to genes, to nutrients and gasses cycles. Bio-molecular and genomic analysis is combined with Macro-ecology and Biodiversity assessments to disentangle eco-evolutionary processes at the basis of eco-systems and food production resilience. CRI can effectively partner Environmental Research DTP by providing expert advice and supervision in the aforementioned fields, including access to field sites, participation into training courses, inclusion in international network of data sharing and collaborative research.

Contact information

Fondazione Edmund Mach
Via Mach, 1


Research keywords

Conservation Biology, Movement Ecology, Molecular Ecology , Biodiversity, Biotic interactions, Wildlife diseases, Spatial modelling