Frankie Buckingham

Academic Profile


MSci, Earth Sciences, University of Oxford (2012- 2017)

My Masters thesis focused on understanding the response of the Western Tropical Pacific hydroclimate to the Younger Dryas, a millennial-scale cooling event, using speleothems. Two stalagmites from Gunung Mulu National Park, N Borneo, were dated using precise U-Th dating techniques and used to obtain new, high resolution stable isotope records.


2017 – Awarded the UKOGL (UK Onshore Geophysical Library) Prize of the Geologists’ Association

2016 - Awarded the St Peter’s College Barons Scholarship

Current Research

I am interested in understanding the efficacy of silicate weathering as a Carbon Dioxide Removal technique. My research involves using soil cores to quantify the dissolution rate of a number of silicate minerals under a range of environmental conditions. I shall also investigate how mineral addition impacts the pathway of carbon from the atmosphere, the production of harmful trace minerals, and microbe-plant interactions.


Publications to follow

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