Tom Pienkowski

Academic Profile

BSc. Env. Conservation - Bangor University

14 months as Head Development Officer at Ya'axche Conservation Trust in Belize

MSc. Environmental Science, Policy and Management - Lund University, Central European University, University of Manchester

12 months Project Officer at the The Forest Trust

12 months researcher at the BioEcon Lab at the National University of Singapore

Current Research

Exploring the intersection between conservation and public health:

- how does environmental change affect common causes of morbidity

- how do public health measures affect conservation outcomes

- how can conservation be optimised to meet joint environmental and public health goals


Pienkowski, T., Dickens, B.L., Sun, H., & Carrasco, L.R. 2017. Empirical evidence of the public health benefits of tropical forest conservation in Cambodia: a generalised linear mixed-effects model analysis. The Lancet Planetary Health, 1(5), e180-e187.

Papworth, S., Rao, M., Oo, M.M., Latt, K.T., Tizard, R., Pienkowski, T., & Carrasco, L.R. 2017. The impact of gold mining and agricultural concessions on the tree cover and local communities in northern Myanmar. Scientific Reports, 7.

Prospere, K., McLaren, K., Pienkowski, T., & Wilson, B.S. 2016. Assessing the status of an artisanal shrimp fishery in a Ramsar wetland in Jamaica: The effects of extreme La Niña episodes, elevated temperature and seasonality on landings. Limnologica, 59: 140–154.

Pienkowski, T., Williams, S., McLaren, K., Wilson, B. & Hockley, N. 2015. Alien invasions and livelihoods: Economic benefits of invasive Australian Red Claw crayfish in Jamaica. Journal of Ecological Economics, 112: 68-77.

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