Tackling science research inequality is vital to allow the views of everyone affected by global issues to be heard, and welcome innovative ideas which are critical to solving these very issues. However, addressing this is a complex task, with geographical inequalities rooted in structural issues that stretch from a lack of access to research degrees, funding and mentorship to biases in publishing and review processes. Join us, as we engage in a fruitful discussion about the potential for reducing such biases in the future of scientific research.
Chair: Dr. Nadia Santodomingo
Dr. Nadia Santodomingo is a Departmental Lecturer in Palaeontology in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Oxford. Her research focuses on the origins and maintenance of marine biodiversity in the Coral Triangle region in Southeast Asia. This research informs coral conservation efforts, and aims to elucidate the role that turbid habitats play in coral reef diversity. She also has a strong interest in promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion within the sciences.
Panellists: Dr. Christopher Jackson, Nussaïbah Raja, Diego Arguedas Ortiz, Ayesha Tandon, Dr. Yamina Saheb
Dr Christopher Jackson is Geoscientist at Jacobs and Visiting Professor of Basin Analysis at the Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College. Having spoken out about institutional racism in UK universities, Christopher has first hand experience of structural issues in academia.
Nussaïbah Raja is a PhD candidate in the GeoZentrum Nordbayern research group in the Department of Geography and Geosciences at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität in Germany. Nussaïbah's research has covered the subject of colonialism and how it relates to our current understanding of deep-time biodiversity and palaeontology.
Diego Arguedas Ortiz is a journalist at Oxford’s Reuters Institute. As the Network Manager at the Oxford Climate Journalism Network he was involved with the launch of the ‘Global South Climate Database’ which aims to address geographical biases in climate research.
Ayesha Tandon is a science journalist at Carbon Brief and is also a co-creator of the Global South Climate Database. In her work at Carbon Brief, Ayesha has covered topics such as the diversity of authors in the field of climate science alongside summarising publications on climate change and variability.
Dr Yamina Saheb is a Senior Energy Policy Analyst, OpenExp, Paris and is France's Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). She works with the IPCC as an energy economist and has spoken out against the inequalities within the IPCC framework which allow countries in the global north to dominate discussions about climate change.
Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/science-inequality-across-the-globe-grand-challenges-seminar-series-tickets-618404202617?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1